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Are Instagram Reels Worth It?

Why Reels Were A Sigh of Relief for My Content Strategy

Alright, I get it social media sucks and with Instagram changing shit up on us yet again it can feel so freaking overwhelming.

But I gotta tell you, as much as you hate social media you’ve got to find a way to make it work for you because whether we like it or not it’s here to stay.

And I genuinely believe that we can use it in a way that feels authentic - but I’ll save that for another blog because today I want to share with you why reels have turned out to be a sigh of relief for my business and how you can use them to build brand awareness, authority, and trust.

When the head dude of Instagram shared that Instagram was no longer going to be a “photo” sharing app there was a brief moment of panic that sorta went something like this ‘but wtf - I’m a photographer?!’

Once my mind settled and started to process the different ways I could leverage reels to supplement my photo content my mind exploded with ideas and excitement.

I'm gonna let you in on a little secret....

For the entirety of my business I have been hoarding photos in fear that I may not have enough to post on a regular basis and I’m a PHOTOGRAPHER!!

This fear has caused a lot of inconsistency and weeks of not posting which if you think about it is exactly what I was trying to avoid in the first place.

But I digress - it turns out Reels have been a really fun creative way for me to create new content that’s not focused on that one perfect image.

I get to show more of my personality and create a whole mood that wasn’t possible before.

And that’s freaking awesome!

So today I want to share with you different ways you can use reels in your business to increase your organic reach and grow your brand - all while staying true to yourself!

Content Ideas for Reels You Can Authentically in Your Business


Use a tripod or have a friend/ partner get you working with clients or creating your product.

You can create countless reels using this method because you likely have lots or products you create or you work with all different types of people!


Whether you are a service based business or a product based business your customers need your expertise getting the most from what you offer.

A quick 15 second video educating your customers is an easy way to add value at no cost to you!


Show your customers what it’s like when the product or service is complete.

Just as much as behind the scenes matter, so does the experience of completion. So what does that look and feel like for your customers?


These are probably what you see the most of and that’s probably why you hate the idea of reels but the truth is there’s a flavor for everyone you just have to find yours.

For me I lean into my white girl dance moves and voice overs because I don’t feel I’m all that funny and trying to make a funny reel doesn’t feel authentic to me.


Sorta like tips and how to reels, question reels can be about anything that helps your people get to know you better either personally or business wise!

OK - now that we’ve covered content ideas for reels let’s dive into why and how you can use them in your social media strategy.

Let's take a look at my results and you can decide for yourself.

Last month I decided that I’d post 2-3 reels a week with the goal being 3. It was a zero pressure situation because I’ve decided to look at social media as a fun experiment!


graphic of june instagram stats of reels

graphic of july instagram stats of reels

graphic of august instagram stats of reels

As you can see the numbers don’t lie - the value of posting reels is undeniable but how does that play into your social media strategy and money making?

The power of reels is really about expanding your reach and solidifying your brand.

On average my reels are getting 1k views and while that may pale in comparison to other brands 1,000 people viewing my content is like being in an auditorium with 1,000 faces looking at you.

I don’t know about you but that’s something to be excited about!


Reels make it easier for you to share the personality and story of your brand in a different creative way.

Whether you decide to be funny, educational, or motivational it just helps establish with your audience why they can trust you as a business owner.

As you build more brand awareness through reach you'll also begin to build brand recognition and trust.

TRUST helps turn a cold audience into a warm audience ready to invest in you're selling.

Don't believe me? January 2021 I booked a year long subscription brand client. When I asked why she hired me she said,

"I watched all your videos on Instagram and I knew I could trust you."

At the time I was posting IGTV videos and while that's different from reels, the idea is still the same!

Creating a Strategy for Your Content Creation

Now that we’ve covered content ideas for reels, why you should use them, let’s talk about how to use them in your strategy.

As I mentioned above the benefit of reels is expanding your reach and building brand trust. That means when you create your content you need to keep in mind the purpose of each piece.

Here’s an example breakdown of how you can strategize your content:

Reels Purpose

  • to create brand awareness with new potential customers

  • build trust with your audience

  • educate/ inform = I know what the f I’m doing and you can trust I have your best interest in mind

Photos/ Quotes/ Carousels Purpose

  • nurture existing followers/ client relationships by

    • Educating - nitty gritty specific to people who know of you and your brand

    • Inspiring

    • Sharing recent work

    • Sharing about me

    • Lead them to engage with you in other places like your email or dms

    • Promote your business

There you have it, why reels are actually a benefit to your business.

But I want to end on this,

reels like all other things are not a get rich quick answer

Yes there are those humans out there that seem to become an overnight raging success for shaking their butt.

I don't know about you but I’m not interested in being a one-hit wonder fade. Eventually those quick to be famous peeps will be forgotten when the newest funniest thing pops up.

You are here to make a difference by living a life that is in tune with your highest good - whatever that may be.

Do not get discouraged when looking at others seemingly overnight success.

Stay in your lane focused on your life, what you can contribute and LOVE what you do.

That is what will create the momentum you are looking for and lasting change.

Creating reels is just another way you get to share your light and magic with the world. Remember that.



Hey friend!


I'm LeeAnn a Pittsburgh-based personal brand photographer helping women create memorable brands that align with who they are  while attracting the right people. 

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